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My Aim

My aim is to ensure comfort to both horse and rider, not only do I access your horses from the ground, I carry out a trot up to ensure the horse is level and sound, take template measurements over your horses back, lunge to look at how your horses moves without a saddle or rider, and then finally a full ridden assessment so I can see how your horses moves with a rider on, before writing a full report on my findings.


I offer sound honest advice and my priority is to ensure your horse is comfortable. Firstly I will always consider your existing saddle, if this does not fit and is not adjustable we can discuss alternatives, so you can either source  yourself or I can help you to find either a second hand or new saddle that fits your horses requirements.


My attention to detail, passions for fitting will ensure comfort for you and your horse.

About Me

My passion for horses started from a very young age, I have owned horses all my life. I have competed both BE and BS on a number of different types of ponies and horses, always produced by myself. At the age of 21 I  joined the Household Calvary Mounted Regiment in Central London. A young boy leaving a small town in Wales to live in central London working with the queens horses, what a move. 

I spent 7 years riding, competing, producing both horses and riders, also spent a season in Melton Mowbray hunting some of the best country there is. I also spent a season on the world famous Household Calvary musical ride where we toured the country putting on displays for the public. I then returned for another six months on the long courses in Melton Mowbray where I gained my BHSAI. I was posted to Northern Ireland where I run a saddle club for three years before retuning to the riding staff in Knightsbridge, London, where we produced horses and riders for all state occasions including the Queen's birthday parade and state opening of parliament.

Since leaving the Army I have spent most of my time working in finance and property developing, but my passion for horses continued and keen to get back in the saddle, I bought, produced and sold horses until I decided in 2021 to sell mine and help and support my niece with training buying producing ponies, so she can chase her dreams. I am often found teaching, supporting or traveling to shows so she can achieve her goals.

I have always wanted to work with horses and have now acquired my saddle fitting qualification through the International Academy of Saddle Fitters, passing all my exams with Distinction. The team at IASF have been fantastic and with their support I am now ready to start a new career in saddle fitting.

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